Leif's Website

Munchie Zone

Letterboxd but for restaurants.

Google Maps focuses on ratings and reviews. It’s good for knowing Wilson Carpark is a definite avoid, but it’s unhelpful for finding the next Sharon Kwan Catering.

A high rating does not equal a recommendation. Nor do a couple bad ratings lowering the average equal a bad restaurant.

User recommendation lists are better for finding new places.

Therefore we focus on user lists and abandon ratings.

Tightly integrate with openstreetmaps POIs.

Inner West Council tracker

Summarise meeting minutes, and track Councillor votes on each motion.

Focus on controversial motions and why they’re controversial, i.e. proposed costs.

E.g. 13 August 2025: Motion to add two new plastic football fields to Callan park, allocated primarily to the Balmain football club.

Arguments for: * The Balmain football club has grown recently, and scheduling practices and matches is getting harder * Existing grass fields fill with water in the rain

Arguments against: * Proposed cost $10 million * Environmental impact of plastic turf * Reduced nature space for dog walkers

Motion passed

Voted for: Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Scott, Smith, Stephens, Tsardoulias

Voted against: Atkins, Da Cruz, Griffiths, Langford, Lockie, Shetty and Stamolis

The usual way to get a tree of nested structs from an Ecto query is with preload. The preload option lets you load associations for an Ecto schema, either by issuing a separate query:



To start with, let's draw the standard trigonometric unit circle diagram for the angles \(\theta\) and \(2\theta\):


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